I'm so tired. I'm tired of Republicans - all of them. I'm tired of the Tea Party. I'm tired of homophobes. I'm tired of people who cheer over the death penalty. I'm tired of people who watch Fox News (even though I do sometimes to see if it can possibly be as insane as the last time I watched it). I'm tired of the President not repealing "don't ask, don't tell." I'm tired of war. I'm tired of politicians, in all their outrage over the federal deficit, forgetting to mention that we are fighting 2! (wars that is). I'm tired of the racist subtext, described as criticism of his leadership style, against President Obama. I'm tired of the sexist undertones against Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell - don't even get me started. And - just when we thought we were through with his smug, dense, one-syllable rhetoric - George W. is back to add to the misery of the mid-term election results....calling Kanye "Conway", declaring that waterboarding was [is] ok because a bunch of lawyers said so, and that invading Iraq was the right thing to do despite the lack of WMDs. The man has no conscience unless it has to do with the gruesome image of a fetus in a jar. WTF? I'm tired of trying to play to the middle. I wanna be a leftist communist socialist. There doesn't seem to be a middle anymore, if there ever was one.
And I'm tired of feeling angry and defensive about all the stuff that's making me tired. I don't want to be that person. And I don't want to use this socio-political fatigue distract me from the moments of my real, everyday life which is blessed beyond measure.
But, I am thinking that passive-aggressive rhetoric might be the way to go. You know, like when someone suggests that Obama and his administration did not do enough to create jobs or save the economy, I can say something cheerfully, of course, like: "You're right! If only George W were still around...we could invade more countries and reinstitute the draft! Then at least poor, young men who've been failed by our schools could make a living!" Or when someone says that Healthcare reform is going to kill grandma, I can say, "I know, right? And I got Kevorkian to take care of mine. Shoulda waited." How about the folks who contend that immigrants should just "go back where they came from?" I could say "I agree! Let's start with Irish bartenders in NYC and Boston!"
Anyway, I could go on. But I feel better now - just having ranted a little.
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