Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ought to be.
~Clementine Paddleford

What great advice! Am I encouraging my daughter to grow a wishbone or a backbone? This is something I think about (worry about) often. For most of my own life, I definitely cultivated, lovingly and not so lovingly, the wishbone. Wishing for my prince instead of nurturing my inner princess. Wishing for a better job instead of giving my best to the one I had at the time. Wishing for my diploma instead of going to class. Wishing for everything to go my way instead of flowing with the current of the day. Wishing for someone to take care of me, to carry my load, instead of strengthening myself in order to carry my own burdens. That wishing led me to take people hostage, to feel sorry for myself, to rationalize my bad behavior at every turn. Maybe today the wishbone, hollow and empty, frail and brittle, is being transformed to backbone - strong and sturdy, fortified with love and grace. This is the best way I know how to show my daughter that wishes are wistful without the integrity to stand up tall, with her back straight.

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